Purposefully Reshaping Developing Communities & Nations
Haïti’s Curative Hope… Gateway to The Renaissance
Providing the Tools to Breaking Haïti’s Cycle of Social & Economic Poverty
The Île à Vache Initiative is a comprehensive plan for island-wide, resort & community development resulting in sustainable social-impact anchored by socially & environmentally sound good governance. The five objectives of The Initiative are to: ⓵ Facilitate Laissez-Faire Economic & Development Policies; ⓶ Provide Food, Energy & Individual Security; ⓷ Integrate the Return of Haïti’s Diaspora Coupled with Reverse Brain Drain; ⓸ Create Sustainable Social, Physical, Educational & Banking Infrastructure; and ⓹ Apply & Develop Green, Next-Generation & Blockchain Technologies. The Île à Vache Initiative is a model for purposeful reshaping of developing communities & countries that will organically realize each of the United Nation’s 17 Strategic Development Goals (SDGs).
This 20 square-mile Innovation Sandbox facilitates: ⓵ A Showcase for Technologies Ranging from Agriculture, Communications & Infrastructure to Financial Services, Blockchain, Entertainment & Medical; ⓶ National Economic Growth Through Hyper Job Creation & Foreign Investment; ⓷ Individual Wellness, Spiritual Revival, Social Awareness & Educational Reform; and again, ⓸ The Integrated and Vested Return of Haïti’s Diaspora & Reverse Brain Drain.

Abaka Bay, Île à Vache, Haïti
The Île à Vache Initiative is a showcase for responsible mixed-use development and implementation of both social, transportation & touristic services applying clean slate green technologies as feasible. The Initiative also faciliates creation of heretofore non-exisitng indigenous land ownership while providing the framework for corruption-free economic activity. The Île à Vache Initiative is not only Haïti’s but the Caribbean’s preeminent resort community & social evolution development.
The Île à Vache Initiative focuses on administration of strategically phased & staged maturation & operations of transportation, mixed-use real estate, digital assets & tourism offerings as a tool to create, support, finance & drive the activities enabling Haïti to once again become the Pearl of the Antilles. The Île à Vache Initiative is the genesis of Haïti’s Renaissance.

Sans-Souci Palace, Milot, Haïti (A UNESCO World Heritage Site)
The Disney Effect
The Île à Vache Initiative will be to Haïti what Disney World is to Orlando, Florida

The Keystone
of The Initiative:
Transportation & Tourism Services

A Fisherman’s Coastline, Haïti (Credit: Conrad Schutt)

The Initiative focuses on resilient development of our Transportation & Tourism Keystones in 7 vital market sectors: ⓵ Health & Leisure, ⓶ Hub & Spoke Air & Sea Travel, ⓷ Education & Social Impact, ⓸ Diaspora & Reverse Brain Drain, ⓹ Convention & Sporting, ⓺ Agriculture & Science, and ⓻ Government & Bankable Assets. The resulting activity & enterprise, along with the associated social outreach stemming therefrom, are The Initiative’s élan vital, it’s life force.
Within U.N. & World Bank designated Least Developed Countries (LDCs) & Small Island Developing States (SIDS) approximately 29.6 supporting jobs are created for every 1 job in the aviation & aviation supported tourism industries.
Our Mission Statement
Our mission is to administer innovative social, environmental & physical infrastructure initiatives coupled with tourism maturation & urban renewal undertakings. These measured gambits, driven by good governance, bear the fruits of community revitalization, indigenous property rights, direct & indirect job creation, measurable economic growth, quantifiable ecological stewardship, targeted social impact solutions, general poverty abatement, spiritual renewal, intuitive master site plans, and full spectrum protection of stakeholder interests. Purposeful reshaping of developing communities & nations is the bedrock of all our activities.
Come see how we play!
The Île à Vache Initiative… Breaking The Cycle of Social & Economic Poverty!